सोसाइटी रजिस्ट्रेशन


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About This Service

Society Registration
A society is an association of several individuals combined using a mutual accord to deliberate, govern and act cooperatively for some communal purpose. Societies are usually registered for the advancement of charitable activities like sports, music, culture, religion, art, education, etc.

Society Registration, under, The Society Registration Act, in India, lays down certain procedures for the sake of society registration & operation. This act was implemented with the purpose of augmenting the legal stipulations of society registration for the advancement of literature, fine arts, science or distribution of awareness for bountiful purposes. The society registration act, 1860 has been accepted by several state governments without or with further amendments.

Purpose of Society Registration

A society registration can be done for the development of fine arts, science, or literature or else for the diffusion of purposeful knowledge or charitable purposes of political education. According to section 20 of the Society Act, 1860, a society registration can be done for the following purposes:

Promotion of fine arts.
Diffusion of political education.
Grant of charitable assistance.
Promotion of science and literature.
Creation of military orphan funds.
Maintenance or foundation of galleries or public museum.
Maintenance or foundation of reading rooms or libraries.
Promotion or diffusion or instruction of useful knowledge.
Collections of natural history.
Collections of mechanical and philosophical inventions, designs, or instruments
Registration of a Society In India

A Society can be created by a minimum of 7 or more persons. Apart from persons from India, companies, foreigners, as well as other registered societies can also register for the Memorandum of association of the society.

Similar to Partnership firms, society can also be either unregistered or registered. But, only the registered societies will be able to withstand consigned properties and/or have an ensemble filed against or by the society.

Society registration is maintained by state governments. Thus, the application for society registration must be created to the specific authority of the state, where the registered office of the society is situated.

For Society registration, the establishing members must agree with the name of society first and then prepare for the Memorandum, followed by Rules & Regulations of the society.

Selection of a Name

When selecting a name for society registration, it is vital to understand that according to Society Act, 1860, an identical or similar name of a currently registered society will not be allowed. Moreover, the proposed name shall not suggest for any patronage of the state government or the government of India or fascinate the provisions of the Emblem & Names Act, 1950.

Memorandum of Association

The Memorandum of Association of the society along with Rules & Regulations of society must be signed by every establishing member, witness by Gazetted Officer, Notary Public, Chartered Accountant, Oath Commissioner, Advocate, Magistrate first-class or Chartered Accountant with their official stamping and complete address.

The memorandum must contain the name of the society, the object of the society. Also, it consists of details of members of the society registration along with their names, addresses, designations, and occupations. The following document has to be prepared, submitted and signed for the sake of registration:

Requesting society registration by providing covering letter, signed by all establishing members.
Duplicate copy of Memorandum of Association of society along with certified copy.
Duplicate copy of Rules & Regulations of society along with duplicate copy duly signed by all establishing members.
Address proof of registered office of society as well as no-objection certificate (NOC) issued by landlord.
Affidavit avowed by secretary or president of society declaring relationship among subscribers.
Few minutes of meeting regarding the society registration along with providing some essential documents.

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