Ngo के लिए E-Anudan लेना हुआ अनिवार्य


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About This Service

E-Anudaan Registration
E-Anudaan registration helps in getting government grant. Since 2014, government has showed great interest towards digitalization, And so, NGO’s can avail government grants via electronic approval as this help government to locate deserving NGO’s and can release funds for the Social cause in most fast and fairly manner.NGO’s won’t get government grants just by doing e Anudaan registration on portal, they will have to apply for government grants which suit their work post registering on eAnudaan portal.

It is exactly spelled as e Anudaan, but people often spelled it as e anudan, eanudan or eanudaan.


Only those NGO will be eligible for E anudaan Registration or E anudaan NGO registration which are registered under Niti Aayog.”

Ministry Of Social Justice And Empowerment has started an initiative e Anudan registration online, which will enable (NGOs) to register online and log in when they want to apply for Grant-in-aid to get benefits of various schemes of the Ministry for social cause.

Requirements for EAnudaan Registration:

Unique Id of Niti Aayog
PAN Number of NGO
OTP Received on Authorise signatory’s Mobile/Mail
Create your User Id and Password after After validation of data
Select area of Social Welfare Scheme which suits motive of your NGOfrom the dropDown List
Select Area (States) in which you will be working

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